WordPress Plugin Polylang Pro 3.6.3 Free DownLoad

Polylang Pro

What is Polylang Pro?

First off, let’s get the basics straight. Polylang Pro is a premium plugin for WordPress that helps you manage a multilingual website. It's like the turbocharged version of the free Polylang plugin. If you’re running a site that caters to multiple languages, Polylang Pro can make your life a whole lot easier.

Why Polylang Pro?

Now, you might be thinking, “Why should I go for the Pro version when there’s a free one available?” Good question. Let me tell you a story.

Imagine you’re a small business owner. Your business is growing, and you’re getting customers from all over the world. You realize that your website needs to speak their language—literally. So, you install the free Polylang plugin. It works great initially, but soon you start hitting some roadblocks. Maybe you need more control over language switching or you want to streamline your workflow. That’s where Polylang Pro comes in.

Features That Make a Difference

Here’s the thing: Polylang Pro is packed with features that make it worth every penny. Let’s break down some of the highlights.

1. Enhanced Language Switcher

With Polylang Pro, you get a more flexible language switcher. This means you can customize how and where your users switch languages on your site. It’s all about giving your visitors a seamless experience. Imagine a visitor from Spain easily switching to Spanish without any hassle—that’s the kind of smooth operation you get with Polylang Pro.

2. Automatic Translation Updates

Polylang Pro integrates with major translation services, like Lingotek. This means you can automate your translations, which saves a ton of time. Think about it: no more manually translating every single post or page. Instead, you get automated updates that keep your content fresh and accurate.

3. String Translation

String translation can be a real headache with the free version. Polylang Pro makes it a breeze. You can translate strings directly from your WordPress admin, which simplifies the process immensely. For example, translating your theme and plugin texts becomes straightforward and hassle-free.

4. SEO-Friendly

SEO can be tricky when you’re dealing with multiple languages. Polylang Pro has you covered. It works seamlessly with popular SEO plugins like Yoast SEO. This means your site’s multilingual structure is optimized for search engines, helping you reach a broader audience without compromising your SEO efforts.

Personal Touch: Why I Love Polylang Pro

I’ve been using WordPress for years, and trust me, I’ve seen it all. From clunky plugins to complex code that makes your head spin. Polylang Pro is a breath of fresh air. Here’s a personal anecdote that might resonate with you.

A while back, I was working on a client’s site. They were expanding their business to Europe and needed their website in French, German, and Spanish. I initially set them up with the free Polylang plugin, but it quickly became clear that we needed more robust features. After switching to Polylang Pro, the entire process became so much smoother. We could easily manage translations, the client loved the seamless language switcher, and their European customers appreciated the localized content. The client’s feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and it was all thanks to Polylang Pro.

Empathy and Understanding Your Needs

I get it—managing a multilingual site can be daunting. You’re juggling translations, trying to maintain consistent branding, and ensuring your SEO doesn’t take a hit. Polylang Pro feels like a helping hand guiding you through the process. It’s designed to make things easier, more efficient, and less stressful.

Call to Action: Why You Should Consider Polylang Pro

If you’re serious about growing your global audience, Polylang Pro is a no-brainer. It’s not just about the features; it’s about the peace of mind knowing your site is in good hands. You get a robust, reliable tool that supports your multilingual needs without breaking a sweat.

Final Thoughts

So, here we are. Over 1000 words later, and I hope you have a clearer picture of why Polylang Pro is such a game-changer. It’s more than just a plugin—it’s a powerful ally in your quest to conquer the multilingual web. Whether you’re a small business owner, a blogger, or a developer, Polylang Pro can make your life easier and your website more accessible to a global audience.

Give it a shot, and who knows? You might just find that managing a multilingual site isn’t as daunting as it seems. And hey, if you do take the plunge, drop me a line and let me know how it goes. I’d love to hear your story.


  1. Make sure you are using WordPress 6.2 or later and that your server is running PHP 7.0 or later (same requirement as WordPress itself).
  2. If you tried other multilingual plugins, deactivate them before activating Polylang, otherwise, you may get unexpected results!
  3. Install and activate the plugin as usual from the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  4. The setup wizard is automatically launched to help you get started more easily with Polylang by configuring the main features.


3.6.3 (2024-06-18)

  • Pro: Fix locale fallback for translations loaded just in time (requires WP 6.6)
  • Allow to pass an array as context to icl_register_string() #1497
  • Fix admin bar search menu in WP 6.6 #1496
  • Fix a regression in the usage of the filter pll_flag #1489

3.6.2 (2024-06-03)

  • Pro: Fix XLIFF files not correctly imported when exported from older version than 3.6
  • Pro: Fix translated categories not assigned to translated post when using machine translation
  • Pro: Fix ‘lang’ param not applied for secondary queries during a REST request
  • Pro: Fix newlines for content edited in classic editor and translated with DeepL
  • Pro: Fix a conflict with the Stream plugin on multisite