WordPress Plugin AIOmatic Pro 2.1.3 Nulled Free Download


If you’ve ever found yourself staring at a blank screen, struggling to come up with new content for your blog, you’re not alone. We've all been there, right? But what if I told you there’s a way to keep your blog fresh and updated without spending hours writing new posts? That’s where AIOmatic comes in. This powerful plugin is like having a personal assistant who never sleeps, tirelessly creating content for your site.

What is AIOmatic?

So, what exactly is AIOmatic? At its core, AIOmatic is a WordPress plugin designed to automate the content creation process. It uses artificial intelligence to generate posts based on your preferences, ensuring your site remains active and engaging even when you don’t have the time to write. Whether you’re running a personal blog, a news site, or an e-commerce store, AIOmatic can help keep your content pipeline full.

Why AIOmatic is a Game-Changer

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty details, let’s talk about why AIOmatic is such a game-changer. Content is king, but creating quality content consistently can be a daunting task. AIOmatic takes that burden off your shoulders by automatically generating posts, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your site. It’s like having a little robot helper that knows exactly what you need and when you need it.

My Personal Journey with AIOmatic

Let me share a little story with you. I remember the first time I tried AIOmatic. It was a busy month, and I had a million things on my to-do list. Writing new blog posts was at the bottom of that list, but I knew I couldn’t afford to let my site go stale. That’s when a friend recommended AIOmatic. Skeptical but desperate, I decided to give it a try. Within minutes, I had fresh, relevant posts on my site. It felt like magic! Suddenly, I had more time to engage with my readers and work on other projects. It was a game-changer for me, and I’m sure it can be for you too.

Key Features of AIOmatic

Now, let’s break down some of the standout features that make AIOmatic so awesome.

1. AI-Powered Content Generation

AIOmatic uses advanced artificial intelligence to generate content tailored to your niche. You can set specific keywords, topics, and even the tone of the posts. The AI then scours the web for relevant information and creates unique, high-quality posts. It’s like having a super-smart assistant who understands your content needs.

2. Automatic Updates

With AIOmatic, you can schedule posts to be published automatically. This means your site will always have fresh content, even if you’re on vacation or busy with other tasks. You can set the frequency of the posts—daily, weekly, or even multiple times a day. It’s entirely up to you.

3. Content Curation

Not only does AIOmatic generate original content, but it also curates content from other sources. You can aggregate news articles, blog posts, and other relevant content from around the web. This is perfect for keeping your audience informed and engaged without having to write everything yourself.

4. SEO Optimization

AIOmatic is designed with SEO in mind. The AI ensures that the content is optimized for search engines, helping you rank higher and attract more visitors. It includes keyword integration, meta descriptions, and other SEO best practices to boost your site’s visibility.

5. Multilingual Support

If you’re running a multilingual site, AIOmatic has got you covered. It supports multiple languages, allowing you to generate content in various languages to cater to a diverse audience. This feature is particularly useful for global businesses and news sites.

Hands-On: How to Use AIOmatic

Getting started with AIOmatic is a breeze. Here’s a quick guide to help you hit the ground running.

Step 1: Installation and Activation

First things first, you’ll need to install and activate the plugin. You can find it in the WordPress plugin repository or download it from the official website. Once installed, activate it, and you’re ready to roll.

Step 2: Setting Up Your Preferences

Head over to the AIOmatic settings page. Here, you can customize your content preferences. Set your keywords, topics, and the desired tone of the posts. You can also configure the posting schedule and frequency.

Step 3: Let the Magic Happen

Once you’ve set up your preferences, sit back and let AIOmatic do its thing. The AI will start generating and curating content based on your settings. You can review the posts before they go live or have them published automatically.

Real-Life Application: How AIOmatic Transformed My Blog

Imagine you’re running a travel blog. Keeping up with fresh content can be exhausting, especially when you’re always on the move. Here’s how AIOmatic can help:

1. Travel Guides and Tips

AIOmatic can generate comprehensive travel guides and tips based on the latest trends and popular destinations. You can set keywords like “best travel destinations 2024” or “travel tips for solo travelers,” and the AI will create detailed posts that resonate with your audience.

2. News and Updates

Stay ahead of the curve by curating the latest travel news and updates. AIOmatic can aggregate articles from various travel news sources, ensuring your readers are always informed about the latest happenings in the travel world.

3. Itinerary Ideas

Planning a trip can be overwhelming for your readers. AIOmatic can generate sample itineraries for different destinations, helping your audience plan their trips with ease. From weekend getaways to month-long adventures, the AI can create itineraries that suit various preferences.

Troubleshooting and Support

No tool is perfect, and sometimes you might run into issues. The good news is, AIOmatic has excellent documentation and a responsive support team. Whether you’re facing compatibility issues or need help customizing the content, there’s always someone ready to assist you.

Community and Resources

AIOmatic isn’t just a plugin; it’s a community. There are forums, Facebook groups, and a vibrant online community where users share tips, tricks, and inspiration. It’s a great place to learn and grow, especially if you’re new to WordPress.

Final Thoughts

In the end, AIOmatic is more than just a content generation tool. It’s a powerful assistant that can transform your WordPress site from a static page to a dynamic, engaging platform. It’s user-friendly, highly customizable, and packed with features that make your life easier. Whether you’re a blogger, a news site owner, or an e-commerce manager, AIOmatic has something to offer.

Ease of Use: AIOmatic is very user-friendly. You don't need to know how to code. Just set it up, and it starts working.

AI-Powered Content: The plugin generates high-quality posts based on your chosen keywords and topics. It ensures your site always has new, relevant content.

Customization: You can customize the content to match your site’s style and tone. It also supports multiple languages, making it great for international sites.

Using AIOmatic has been a game-changer for my blog. I was always struggling to find time to write new posts. With AIOmatic, I can focus on other aspects of my site while it takes care of the content. It’s like having a personal assistant who never gets tired.

Version 1.6.1 Release Date 2023-09-22

1. Added a Major New Feature to the plugin: "Amazon Product Review Writer" 
2. Added the ability to the Amazon Product Roundup Writer to get products by comma separated ASIN list (example: B07RZ74VLR,B07RX6FBFR)
3. Added more product info related shortcodes to Amazon Product Roundup writer, like product customer reviews, price and much more
3. Fixed rule post counts, if a specific rule was deleted

Version 1.6.2 Release Date 2023-09-27

1. Now the plugin will check also items imported from RSS feeds for duplicate content and skip them if already processed
2. Fixed gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct model token count length
3. Replaced the aiomatic_session_id cookie name with a random name for each site
4. Greatly reduced the plugin's footprint from the website's HTML content

Version 1.6.3 Release Date 2023-10-04

1. New feature: CSV File AI Post Writer
2. Minor fixes and improvements

Version 1.6.4 Release Date 2023-10-12

1. WP-CLI integration of Aiomatic - now you can create AI content directly from WP-CLI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3AZxQM9irg
2. Added the ability to assign AI selected featured images to posts, using the "AI Content Editor" 
3. Added the ability to add multiple shortcodes with the static_content parameter set, the plugin will be able to parse them separately
4. Added a button in the 'Activity and Logging' menu -> 'Maintenance' tab, to delete all existing rules from the plugin
5. Allow setting of default values for the AI Post Writer prompts and model
6. Fixed multiple AI Forms not working when added to the same page, now any number of forms on the same page will work
7. PHP 8.2 compatibility fixes
8. Updated the auto-update module

Version 1.6.5 Release Date 2023-10-18

1. Addeed the ability to not link Amazon product review and roundup post headings to the Amazon affiliate URL
2. Fixed fatal error on latest PHP version

Version 1.6.6 Release Date 2023-10-28

1. Added chatbot personas, coming with 76 built-in personas with names, roles and high quality avatars! Details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0aiz-b1mdQ
2. Added the ability to display an avatar, name and role (description) for the AI chat assistant
3. Added the ability to define a static CSV separator character in CSV AI Post Generator
4. Added the ability to enable the AI Assistant also for TinyMCE forms embedded on the front end of your site
5. Added a series of actions which can be hooked into, to process the AI response in your own custom code. You will find them in the aiomatic-ajax-actions.php file
6. Added the ability to copy locally to the server also Amazon images
7. Added a new menu to the plugin: "Aiomatic Extensions" - here available extensions will be listed which will further improve the plugin's functionality
8. Optimized default AI prompts for multiple parts of the plugin
9. Added the ability to edit only content using the AI Content Editor, which matches a maximum character count
10. Added the ability to add HTML tables to created articles. Details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbm-T-Kzsys
11. Added the ability to add a product comparison table to the AI Product Roundup feature of the plugin
12. More chatbot & general improvements & fixes

Version 1.6.7 Release Date 2023-10-31

1. Added a new shortcode: [aiomatic-persona-selector] - it will be able to add a Chatbot persona selector screen on the front end, visitors can click on the chatbot persona with which they want to chat. Usage: [aiomatic-persona-selector ai_personas="comma separated chatbot persona ID list"]
2. Added the ability to define also the first message of the AI chatbot, in the AI Chatbot Personas
3. Added the ability to use multiple chatbots on the same page (fix)
4. Added the ability to select resize quality of images which are resized
5. Added the ability to use AI Function calling while in API response streaming mode
6. Fixed max_retry count in case of API failure for chatbot response streaming mode
7. Fixed newlines not being added correctly to chat, when response streaming was used in the chatbot

Version 1.6.8 Release Date 2023-11-03

1. Added chatbot color themes (you can select between: light, dark, midnight, sunrise, ocean, forest, winter, twilight, desert, cosmic, rose, tropical, facebook, twitter, instagram, whatsapp, linkedin)
2. Added the ability to save and manage custom color themes
3. Added the ability to add an "AI Compliance Text", displayed at the bottom of the chatbot
4. Added the ability to limit the maximum number of chat messages which are sent to the chatbot context window
5. Updated Stable Diffusion model list
6. Added more styling options for the AI chatbot (input text font color, input placeholder font color, persona name font color, persona role font color)
7. Updated translation file

Version 1.6.9 Release Date 2023-11-07

1. Added a new "Advanced" mode for the "Single AI Post Creator": now it is able to publish content similar to the "Bulk AI Post Creator" features. Details: https://youtu.be/rlDtQ8qgGYg
2. Added Dall-E 3 and Dall-E 3 HD support for AI image generator
3. Added new AI models recently released by OpenAI: gpt-4-1106-preview, gpt-4-vision-preview, gpt-3.5-turbo-1106
4. Updated models available for fine-tuning
5. Updated pricing, based on latest OpenAI changes
6. Fixed duplicate checking for Amazon roundup and review posts
7. Fixed AI Assistant when multiple wp_editor instances were used on the page
8. Added a new button to the chatbot, allowing users to clear chat conversation
9. Many small bugs fixed

Version 1.7.0 Release Date 2023-11-09

1. Added support for Dall-E 3 and latest GPT-4 models also for AiomaticAPI
2. Added the ability to use Google "Custom Search API" to allow the AI to get internet search results
3. Added the ability to search for Royalty Free Images (from configured sources) directly in the Media Library
4. Full support for WordPress 6.4

Version 1.7.1 Release Date 2023-11-15

1. Added support for AI Vision within the chatbot. Now you can upload images to the chatbot and the AI will understand the contents of the image and will be able to analyze it. Keep in mind that this is still an experimental feature!
2. New method to get Advanced Single AI Post Creator title and content, using background processing. Overall, should improve reliability of this feature, also on slower servers
3. Copy images locally also from AI Post Editor
4. Added support for "Featured Image from URL" (FIFU) plugin , to not copy featured images of posts locally to your server
5. Added support for Qdrant.tech as an alternative embeddings provider (besides of Pinecone.io)
6. Improved Stable Diffusion image names, for better SEO
7. Fixed Amazon S3 uploading for Stable Diffusion images
8. Fixed editor issues in Advanced Single AI Post Creator
9. Added Stable Diffusion support for the AI Assistant Image Creator
10. AI generated and royalty free images will be automatically compressed, to save disk space and decrease page load speed
11. Secured chatbot from some vulnerabilities

Version 1.7.2 Release Date 2023-11-22

1. Added AI Assistants API full support (similar to ChatGPT's custom GPTs) to be used Everywhere in the plugin where you can use AI models - create your own AI Assistants, manage them from the plugin and instruct them to create the most specialized content. Tutorial video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2mkjdOZI9Y
2. Added AI Assistants Manager menu
3. Added Support for OpenAI Text-to-Speech
4. Renamed Aiomatic's prior existing feature "AI Assistant" to "Content Wizard" to not create confusion with OpenAI's new AI Assistants API
5. Fixed critical issue when installing the plugin for the first time on a server
6. AI Automatic Content Linking of posts no longer creates links to the edited post (self links)

Version 1.7.3 Release Date 2023-11-23

1. Locally copied images now also create a Media Library entry, for easier management
2. Added support for Amazon S3 compatible storages for image storage: CloudFlare R2, Digital Ocean Spaces, Wasabi - this is active only while using the "Amazon S3 Storage" plugin extension:
Aiomatic Extension: Amazon S3 Storage
3. Fixed an issue with AI Bulk Post Creator crashing in some rare cases 4. Added support to call also OpenAI API using proxies define in the plugin's settings 5. Added support for more shortcodes in the AI Post Content Writer